Elasticsearch Engineer II

Kód kurzu: ELAEII

Tato část není lokalizována

This instructor-led course is designed for Elasticsearch professionals who need to expand their skill set for developing and managing powerful search and analytics solutions with the Elastic Stack. You will learn advanced cluster management techniques, best practices for capacity planning and scaling, tips for monitoring and alerting, considerations for going into production, and more. You will also dig into field and document modeling, fixing data with Painless scripting, cross-cluster search, pipeline aggregations, and more.

After completing this course, you will be prepared to attempt the Elastic Certified Engineer exam.

40 000 Kč

48 400 Kč s DPH

Nejbližší termín od 19.05.2025

Výběr termínů

certifikovaní lektoři

uznávané certifikace

Široká nabídka technických
a soft skills kurzů

Skvělý zákaznický

Přizpůsobení kurzů
přesně na míru

Termíny kurzu

Počáteční datum: 19.05.2025

Forma: Prezenční/Virtuální

Délka kurzu: 2 dny

Jazyk: en/cz

Cena bez DPH: 40 000 Kč


Počáteční datum: 21.07.2025

Forma: Prezenční/Virtuální

Délka kurzu: 2 dny

Jazyk: en/cz

Cena bez DPH: 40 000 Kč


Počáteční datum: 29.09.2025

Forma: Prezenční/Virtuální

Délka kurzu: 2 dny

Jazyk: en/cz

Cena bez DPH: 40 000 Kč


Počáteční datum: 24.11.2025

Forma: Prezenční/Virtuální

Délka kurzu: 2 dny

Jazyk: en/cz

Cena bez DPH: 40 000 Kč


Počáteční datum: Na vyžádání

Forma: Prezenční/Virtuální

Délka kurzu: 2 dny

Jazyk: en/cz

Cena bez DPH: 40 000 Kč


Forma Délka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
19.05.2025 Prezenční/Virtuální 2 dny en/cz 40 000 Kč Registrovat
21.07.2025 Prezenční/Virtuální 2 dny en/cz 40 000 Kč Registrovat
29.09.2025 Prezenční/Virtuální 2 dny en/cz 40 000 Kč Registrovat
24.11.2025 Prezenční/Virtuální 2 dny en/cz 40 000 Kč Registrovat
Na vyžádání Prezenční/Virtuální 2 dny en/cz 40 000 Kč Registrovat
G Garantovaný kurz

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Struktura kurzu

Tato část není lokalizována

Elasticsearch data modeling

Learn the details of how strings are analyzed andindexed in Elasticsearch. Learn how to designand model fields in your documents, includingdiscussions on granular fields and importantnaming conventions with the Elastic CommonSchema. Learn why denormalizing documents issuggested, and how you can do it. Understand inwhich use cases denormalizing is not enoughand how you can leverage nested fields, as wellas join fields

Elasticsearch data processing

Learn how ingest pipelines can modify andenrich your data. Understand the pros and consof batch processing using the Reindex, Updateby Query, and Delete by Query APIs. Learn howto use the Painless scripting language inElasticsearch, and discuss both the index andsearch use cases for scripting.

Elasticsearch from dev to production

Understand the best practices to secure your Elasticsearchcluster. Learn the differences between development andproduction modes, as well as how caching works. Exploreitems to consider when moving to production, includingindex aliases, index templates, search templates, dynamicindexes, and dynamic fields.

Elasticsearch cluster deployment

Learn how to back up and restore a cluster. Understand howto leverage your architecture topology using shard allocationawareness and forced awareness. Learn how to upgradeyour system and deal with cluster restarts. Understand theuse cases for having multiple clusters and how to leverageboth cross-cluster replication and cross-cluster search.

Elasticsearch nodes and index management

Understand what dedicated nodes are and how they can beapplied to different use cases. Learn how to build a fullycustomized architecture that makes the most of each serverusing shard filtering. Manage your time-series index like apro with index lifecycle management (ILM). Review the indexmanagement UI and understand how rollups can optimizeyour cluster.

Elasticsearch advanced tips and tricks

Explore the challenges of distributed operations and howElasticsearch handles them. Learn how to design for scaleand how oversharding can crash your cluster. Also learnhow to optimize for read or write throughputs. Then exploresome common causes of poor search performance andlearn how to properly address them. Finally, learn serverconfiguration best practices to consider when moving toproduction, including network setup, hardwarerequirements, and JVM settings.

Předpokládané znalosti

Tato část není lokalizována

Complete the Elasticsearch Engineer I course, or possess equivalent Elasticsearch knowledge

Potřebujete poradit nebo upravit kurz na míru?


produktová podpora

Navazující kurzy

Elasticsearch Engineer I en/cz

Dodavatel: EDU Trainings

Oblast: Open Source

Cena od:

38 250 Kč bez DPH

ElasticSearch Basic en/cz

Dodavatel: EDU Trainings

Oblast: Open Source

Cena od:

32 500 Kč bez DPH

ElasticSearch for Developers en/cz

Dodavatel: EDU Trainings

Oblast: Open Source

Cena od:

32 500 Kč bez DPH

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