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Splunk for Analytics and Data Science

Tento 13,5hodinový kurz je pro uživatele, kteří chtějí dosáhnout úrovně provozní inteligence 4 (obchodní statistiky) a pokrývá implementaci analytických a datových vědeckých projektů pomocí statistik Splunk, strojového učení, vestavěných a vlastních vizualizačních schopností.

SAS® Forecasting and Econometrics Learning Subscription

Learn how to generate large quantities of high-quality forecasts quickly and automatically (with no need for human intervention unless you want it) using SAS Forecast Server, SAS/ETS, SAS Visual Forecasting, and Model Studio on the SAS Viya platform. An easy-to-use GUI gives you the power to forecast without having to write code, unless you want to. A batch environment gives more-advanced users access to an even fuller set of capabilities using the SAS programming language. Algorithms provide automatic model diagnosis, generation, and selection for a wide range of signal components. Test what-if scenarios to determine the likely impact of your forecasts.

SAS Products Covered

  • SAS Forecast Server
  • SAS Studio
  • SAS Visual Forecasting
  • SAS Viya

Video Streaming Essentials for AWS Media Services

Learn best practices for designing and using cloud-based video workflows in the AWS Cloud from an expert AWS instructor. The course covers important concepts related to video processing and delivery, the variables that can impact migration decisions, and real-world examples of hybrid and cloud use cases for AWS Media Services.

It also introduces security, machine learning, and analytics concepts to help you consider how AWS Media Services fit into your overall cloud strategy.

Open Source Software Development: Linux for Developers (LFD107x)

The course surveys how open source software works, including advantages of using it, methods of working in OSS communities, governance models, and licensing choices. It delves into Linux systems, including installation, desktop environments, text editors, important commands and utilities, command shells and scripts, filesystems, and compiling software.

This course prepares you with the knowledge and understanding to construct a coherent open source strategy for an organization. You will gain an understanding of the aspects related to open source software licensing, compliance, collaboration, inclusivity, and diversity. Upon completing this course, you should be able to work comfortably and productively in open source development communities and Linux environments.

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