Using Splunk Enterprise Security

Kód kurzu: SPLUNKUES

Tato část není lokalizována

This 13.5-hour course prepares security practitioners to use Splunk Enterprise Security (ES). Students identify and track incidents, analyze security risks, use predictive analytics, and discover threat.

40 960 Kč

49 562 Kč s DPH

Nejbližší termín od 10.02.2025

Výběr termínů

certifikovaní lektoři

uznávané certifikace

Široká nabídka technických
a soft skills kurzů

Skvělý zákaznický

Přizpůsobení kurzů
přesně na míru

Termíny kurzu

Počáteční datum: 10.02.2025

Forma: Virtuální

Délka kurzu: 3 dny

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 40 960 Kč


Počáteční datum: 19.05.2025

Forma: Virtuální

Délka kurzu: 3 dny

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 40 960 Kč


Počáteční datum: 15.09.2025

Forma: Virtuální

Délka kurzu: 3 dny

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 40 960 Kč


Počáteční datum: 15.12.2025

Forma: Virtuální

Délka kurzu: 3 dny

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 40 960 Kč


Počáteční datum: Na vyžádání

Forma: Prezenční/Virtuální

Délka kurzu: 3 dny

Jazyk: en/cz

Cena bez DPH: 40 960 Kč


Forma Délka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
10.02.2025 Virtuální 3 dny en 40 960 Kč Registrovat
19.05.2025 Virtuální 3 dny en 40 960 Kč Registrovat
15.09.2025 Virtuální 3 dny en 40 960 Kč Registrovat
15.12.2025 Virtuální 3 dny en 40 960 Kč Registrovat
Na vyžádání Prezenční/Virtuální 3 dny en/cz 40 960 Kč Registrovat
G Garantovaný kurz

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Struktura kurzu

Tato část není lokalizována

Module 1 – Getting Started with ES

  • Describe the features and capabilities of Splunk Enterprise Security (ES)
  • Explain how ES helps security practioners prevent, detect, and respond to threats
  • Describe correlation searches, data models and notable events
  • Describe user roles in ES
  • Log into Splunk Web and access Splunk for Enterprise Security

Module 2 – Security Monitoring and Incident Investigation

  • Use the Security Posture dashboard to monitor ES status
  • Use the Incident Review dashboard to investigate notable events
  • Take ownership of an incident and move it through the investigation workflow
  • Use adaptive response actions during incident investigation
  • Create notable events
  • Suppress notable events

Module 3 –  Risk-Based Alerting

  • Give an overview of Risk-Based Alerting
  • View Risk Notables and risk information on the Incident Review dashboard
  • Explain risk scores and how to change an object’s risk score
  • Review the Risk Analysis dashboard
  • Describe annotations
  • Describe the process for retrieving LDAP data for an asset or indentify lookup

Module 4 – Investigations

  • Use investigations to manage incident response activity
  • Use the investigation Workbench to manage, visualize and coordinate incident investigations
  • Add various items to investigations (notes, action history, collaborators, events, assets, identities, files and URLs)
  • Use investigation timelines, lists and summaries to document and review breach analysis and mitigation efforts

Module 5 – Using Security Domain Dashboard

  • Use ES to inspect events containing information relevant to active or past incident investigation
  • Identify security domains in ES
  • Use ES security domain dashboards
  • Launch security domain dashboards from incident Review and from action menus in search results

Module 6 – Web Intelligence

  • Use the web intelligence dashboards to analyze your network environment
  • Filter ad highlight events

Module 7 – User Intelligence

  • Evaluate the level of insider threat with the user activity and access anomaly dashboards
  • Understand asset and identity concepts
  • Use the Asset and identify Investigator to analyze events
  • Use the session center for identity resolution
  • Discuss Splunk User Behavior Analytics (UBA) integration

Module 8 – Threat Intelligence

  • Give an overview of the Threat Intelligence framework abd how threat intel is configured in ES
  • Use the Threat Activity dashboard to see which threat sources are interacting with your environment
  • Use the Threat Artifacts dashboard to examine the status of threat intelligence information in your environment

Module 9 – Protocol Intelligence

  • Explain how network data is input into Splunk events
  • Describe Stream events
  • Give an overview of the Protocol intelligence dashboards and how they can be used to analyze network data

Předpokládané znalosti

Tato část není lokalizována

  • Splunk Fundamentals 1
  • Splunk Fundamentals 2

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Navazující kurzy

Free Splunk Fundamentals 1 en

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

0 Kč bez DPH

Free Splunk User Behavior Analytics en

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Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

0 Kč bez DPH

Advanced Searching and Reporting en

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

37 500 Kč bez DPH

Splunk Infrastructure Overview en

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

0 Kč bez DPH

Splunk for Analytics and Data Science en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

40 960 Kč bez DPH

Creating Dashboards with Splunk en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

25 000 Kč bez DPH

Splunk Cluster Administration en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

40 960 Kč bez DPH

Splunk Enterprise Data Administration en en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

61 300 Kč bez DPH

Troubleshooting Splunk Enterprise en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

27 520 Kč bez DPH

Working with Metrics in Splunk en

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

25 000 Kč bez DPH

Implementing Splunk Data Stream Processor (DSP) en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

50 000 Kč bez DPH

Splunk Cloud Administration en en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

54 660 Kč bez DPH

Transitioning to Splunk Cloud en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

27 520 Kč bez DPH

Splunk Enterprise System Administration en en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

40 960 Kč bez DPH

Splunk Enterprise System Administration en en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

40 960 Kč bez DPH

Advanced Dashboards and Visualizations en

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

13 700 Kč bez DPH

Building Splunk Apps en en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

40 960 Kč bez DPH

Developing with Splunk’s REST API en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

27 520 Kč bez DPH




Cena od:

34 900 Kč bez DPH

Developing SOAR Playbooks en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

27 520 Kč bez DPH

Advanced SOAR Implementation en

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

40 960 Kč bez DPH

Administering Splunk Enterprise Security en en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

40 960 Kč bez DPH

Using Splunk IT Service Intelligence en

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

13 700 Kč bez DPH

Implementing Splunk IT Service Intelligence en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

54 660 Kč bez DPH

Implementing Splunk SmartStore en

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

13 700 Kč bez DPH




Cena od:

26 550 Kč bez DPH

Kubernetes Monitoring with Splunk Observability Cloud en

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

13 700 Kč bez DPH

Using Splunk Observability Cloud Terraform Provider en/cz

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

27 520 Kč bez DPH

Using the Splunk Terraform Provider en

Dodavatel: Splunk

Oblast: Big Data

Cena od:

27 520 Kč bez DPH

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