Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Kód kurzu: PD531241ON

Tato část není lokalizována

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a computer-aided engineering (CAE) tool used to analyze how a design reacts under real-world conditions. Useful in structural, vibration, and thermal analysis, FEA has been widely implemented by automotive companies and is used by design engineers as a tool during the product development process. Design engineers analyze their own designs while they are still in the form of easily modifiable CAD models to allow for quick turnaround times and to ensure prompt implementation of analysis results in the design process. While FEA software is readily available, successful use of FEA as a design tool still requires an understanding of FEA basics.

This introduction to FEA will expose you to key concepts in FEA and give an overview of the FEA process, including the steps needed to conduct FEA, finite element types and orders, common assumptions that lead to serious errors in results, and areas you should be concerned with when discretizing a model. This SAE-produced course also includes an introduction to discretization error and convergence analysis and explains how they impact results in FEA projects.


By participating in this on-demand course, you\’ll be able to:

  • Identify the purpose of using FEA in the design process
  • Explain the differences between using different element orders
  • Explain the differences in the number of degrees of freedom between different element types
  • Recite commonly made assumptions in FEA projects and summarize effects of each assumption
  • Define convergence process and explain why it is used in the FEA process
  • Define discretization error and summarize its impact in the FEA process

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a soft skills kurzů

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Termíny kurzu

Počáteční datum: Na vyžádání

Forma: Intro Module

Délka kurzu: 90 dnů

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 2 125 Kč


Počáteční datum: Na vyžádání

Forma: Core Modules

Délka kurzu: 90 dnů

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 14 000 Kč


Počáteční datum: Na vyžádání

Forma: TOD

Délka kurzu: 90 dnů

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 15 750 Kč


Forma Délka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžádání Intro Module 90 dnů en 2 125 Kč Registrovat
Na vyžádání Core Modules 90 dnů en 14 000 Kč Registrovat
Na vyžádání TOD 90 dnů en 15 750 Kč Registrovat
G Garantovaný kurz

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Struktura kurzu

Tato část není lokalizována

  • FEA Definition and Process
  • Discretizing and Characteristics of Finite Elements
  • Degrees of Freedom
  • Common FEA Assumptions
  • Mesh Concerns
  • Discretization Error and the Convergence Process
Materials Provided
  • 90 days of online single-user access (from date of purchase)
  • 50 minute presentation
  • A printable summary of the key takeaways from each lesson
  • Integrated knowledge checks to reinforce key concepts
  • Follow-up to your content questions
  • .1 CEUs*/Certificate of Achievement (upon completion of all course content and a score of 70% or higher on the learning assessment)

*SAE International is authorized by IACET to offer CEUs for this course.

Předpokládané znalosti

Tato část není lokalizována

This SAE-produced course addresses the needs of design engineers who are not specialized analysts but need to use the Finite Element Analysis to analyze a new product during the design process. Also non-specialist FEA users, R&D engineers and managers, project engineers, and product engineers can benefit from FEA concepts.

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