Struktura kurzu
Introduction to Information Storage
- Data and information
- Key characteristics of a data center
- Business drivers of digital transformation
Business Drivers of Digital Transformation
- Cloud Computing
- Big Data and AI/ML
- IoT, Edge Computing, and 5G
Modern Data Center Environment
- Types of compute system, hypervisor, VM, and containers
- Applications, types of storage and network
- Software-defined Data Center
- Modern Data Center Architecture, CI/HCI
Intelligent Storage Systems
- Types and components of intelligent storage systems
- Storage provisioning and tiering
Block, File, and Object-based Storage System
- Block storage system components
- Scale-up and Scale-out NAS
- Features and components of Object storage system
- Unified storage system
- Storage Area Network – FC SAN
- FC SAN Architecture
- FC topologies and zoning
- SAN virtualization
IP SAN, FCoE, and NVMe-oF
- iSCSI components, protocol stack, and VLAN
- FCIP connectivity, protocol stack, and FCoE
- NVMe-oF
Software Defined Storage and Network
- Key attributes of SDS, SDS architecture
- SDN architecture, benefits
Business Continuity
- Business continuity overview
- Fault tolerant IT infrastructure
Data Protection
- Data replication
- Backup and recovery
- Data deduplication
- Data archiving and migration
Storage Infrastructure Security
- Introduction to information security
- Storage security domains and threats
- Key security controls
Storage Infrastructure Management
- Introduction to storage management
- Operations management